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Creating this blog is my ultimate decision for how to handle the ongoing interest in how I have prepared food for backpacking over the years. For a long time my thinking was stuck on the idea of a book, but this topic is too dynamic for that rigid of a format. On the other hand, I didn't want to provide all this information completely free of charge.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuna Rice Curry

Hot Meal

Medium weight, moderately easy to prepare, filling

2 servings of tuna- ready to dehydrate
tuna ready to dehydrate

See How to Dry Meats

Cooking before packaging - none
Dehydrate before packaging - tuna
Cooking in camp - boil water and simmer or let sit

At Home:
This recipe is for one serving

Dehydrate one 4 oz. can of WATER PACKED tuna per serving. Do yourself a favor and get better quality white albacore tuna. The cheap tuna tastes really fishy when dried.

Package in one baggie, size depending on how many you are feeding:
the dehydrated tuna

Package in another baggie, size depending on how many you are feeding:
1/2 c. instant rice (white or brown, although brown takes longer to cook and doesn't ever really get soft)
3 T. powdered milk

Package in another baggie-- I like to seal the spices in a scrap of sandwich bag.
1/2 t salt
1 t. curry powder

Add a small slip of paper with the in-camp directions. You will thank yourself later.

the packets for tuna-rice curry
tuna rice curry hot meal

In Camp:
Make a paste of the spices and a little water.
Add the spices and tuna to 1 c. water for each serving and boil
Add the rice and milk, cover simmer for 6-8 minutes or remove from heat and let it sit covered for 8-10 minutes
Fluff and if the rice is done it's ready to eat.

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