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Creating this blog is my ultimate decision for how to handle the ongoing interest in how I have prepared food for backpacking over the years. For a long time my thinking was stuck on the idea of a book, but this topic is too dynamic for that rigid of a format. On the other hand, I didn't want to provide all this information completely free of charge.
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Monday, September 3, 2018

Red Sox Salad

It's red and it will knock your sox off!
Salad, lightweight, different and refreshing

red sox backpacking salad

See How to Dry Citruis Fruits
See How to Dry Finely Cut or Small Things

Cooking before packaging - must cook beets
Cooking in camp - none

At Home:
This recipe is 1 average serving (increase cabbage or beets if desired

Wash and cook beets until soft but not mushy. Cool.

Dehydrate per serving:
Use one 3-4 oz. beet (about 3.5 oz dried). Grate on large grater or julienne slice- picture is grated beets before drying
Use a 1 1/2 inch wedge of a 5" diameter head of red carrot. Slice thinly (about 3 oz raw or 1.5 oz dried)
1 tangerine (or other tart orangy thing like a Clementine, or minneola)

photo of grated beets:
grated beets

Package in a baggie, sandwich to quart size, depending on how many you are feeding:
the beet shreds
the cabbage shreds
the citrus fruit pulled from the rind and possibly cut into smaller pieces if desired
package separately, 1 t. sugar-included lemonade mix (I seal this into a small piece of a sandwich bag)

red sox salad ingredients

Add a small slip of paper with the in-camp directions. You will thank yourself later.

In Camp:
Remove the lemon pack from the baggie. Add about 1/4 c. water per serving and allow to rehydrate. If you can remember to do this a couple hours before the meal, great. If not, just knead it a little when you add the water and it will be OK. Just before eating sprinkle on the lemonade mix.

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