
Welcome to Eat Well, Backpackers!

The blog page contains all information in no particular order. Use these links to find what you need. This is a work in progress. A lot of information needs to be added yet.

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Creating this blog is my ultimate decision for how to handle the ongoing interest in how I have prepared food for backpacking over the years. For a long time my thinking was stuck on the idea of a book, but this topic is too dynamic for that rigid of a format. On the other hand, I didn't want to provide all this information completely free of charge.
Therefore, this blog will have advertisements showing. You are free to ignore them or not. They do help me in a small way.
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Saturday, September 1, 2018

How to Dry Yogurt

This is a general how-to page. The information here applies to all recipes that call for dried yogurt.

Dry only low-fat yogurt. Commercial or homemade yogurt works fine.

In the past I tried dehydrating thick slabs of leathery yogurt to be eaten like candy. They tasted great but were very difficult to chew. Now, I suggest spreading the yogurt a little thinner, about 1/4 inch thick, on saran wrap or teflon.

yogurt ready to be dehydrated

When this is dry it will come off in flakes rather than a slab, but the pieces rehydrate easily in the mouth. Shown here packaged with dried fruit, ready to eat.

yogurt and fruit backpacking breakfast

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