
Welcome to Eat Well, Backpackers!

The blog page contains all information in no particular order. Use these links to find what you need. This is a work in progress. A lot of information needs to be added yet.

Blog     General How-To    Recipe Index     Menus- Breakfast    Menus- Cold Meals    Menus- Hot Meals    Menus- Snacks    Product Reviews    Packaging   

Creating this blog is my ultimate decision for how to handle the ongoing interest in how I have prepared food for backpacking over the years. For a long time my thinking was stuck on the idea of a book, but this topic is too dynamic for that rigid of a format. On the other hand, I didn't want to provide all this information completely free of charge.
Therefore, this blog will have advertisements showing. You are free to ignore them or not. They do help me in a small way.
I collect no information from visitors to this page.

Menus - Hot Meals

These are suggested menus for things that go together. If the main dish is filling, I've paired it with a lighter dessert. If one item is heavy in weight, I've paired it with things that are lighter weight to carry, so that meals don't vary wildly in their overall weight. I've also tried to balance the nutritional aspects- most meals should have a protein source, a carb, a vegetable or fruit, and perhaps a satisfying sweet.

Pizza Bowl
chocolate candies like Tootsie Rolls or Reisen

Tuna Rice Curry
Pistachio Pudding

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